Here’s a quick look at all of the new map locations in Fortnite chapter 4 season 4 (v26.00).
The new season of Fortnite is almost here. The servers are currently down for scheduled maintenance for the release of chapter four season four.
Yesterday, Epic Games released the cinematic trailer for season four. At 3 AM ET when the servers were brought offline, the gameplay trailer for the new season was released.
For the past few seasons, Epic haven’t been updating the map as much as they did in both chapter one and two. New seasons have been launching with one new POI and some small changes here and there.
However, it looks like Epic has introduced more meaningful changes to the map with the release of chapter 4 season 4.
Here’s a look at the new map along with the new POIs that have been added.
v26.00 Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 New Map POIs
Whilst the servers are down, data miners are leaking some of the new content from season four. The overview of the new locations on the chapter 4 season 4 map have been leaked.
What’s surprising with the new map changes is the fact that the new locations are on or near the edges of the map. You can easily pick out the new locations on the map.
They’re located on the southwest, northeast, and northwest sides of the map.
Here are some images and some text about the map from the official patch notes:
Behind the luxurious exteriors of Sanguine Suites, Relentless Retreat, and Eclipsed Estate are strongly-defended bases complete with cameras, laser grids, and guards. Thorne has filled ‘em with valuable items, and he’s also taken over Rumble Ruins, the Slap Juice factory, and a tower in MEGA City. Make sure you’re prepared before infiltrating anywhere run by Thorne.
Sanguine Suites.
Relentless Retreat.
Eclipsed Estate.
The post Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 New Map Locations Revealed (v26.00) appeared first on Fortnite Insider.